International Quality Standards
Our honey undergoes rigorous crafting, testing, and analysis to be considered some of the world’s best and meet international quality standards.
Artisans the Finest Honeys
Midlands Apiaries consistently deliver honey to our customers that is of the purest and highest quality. Our team of highly-experienced and qualified creamers are craftsmen of honey and create a superior product in every respect. Additionally, texture, viscosity, and crystal size always meet our strict criteria to produce liquid gold.
Higher Standards
Our honey is inspected at every production stage, from the initial harvest to passing through a metal detector in the final step. To ensure our honey is consistently high quality, every batch is crafted to meet your and our incredibly stringent international standards. Our honey is then independently verified by accredited laboratories to certify purity.
Our products are certified to be;
Monofloral Honey
To ensure the purity and authenticity of our honey, our honey pollen levels are derived from the stated botanical source. We also measure colour, conductivity and sugar spectrums to ensure our honey is monofloral.
100% New Zealand Made
All our honey is harvested, packed, certified, and tested in New Zealand to ensure the authenticity of our honey. This makes our honey eligible for New Zealand Made stamp, ensuring you a genuine New Zealand product.
Our honey is harvested, tested, certified and packed in New Zealand. This makes our honey eligible for Fernmark certification, ensuring that our honey is a genuine and authentic New Zealand product.
All our honey is 100% New Zealand origin and GMO-free. In New Zealand, no fresh produce is genetically modified, and no genetically modified crops are grown commercially.
Halal is an Arabic word that means permissible. A Halal-certified product means that the product is permissible or acceptable in accordance with Islamic law. In order for products to receive this certification, they must be from an acceptable source and prepared according to these laws. Midlands Apiaries is certified under FIANZ
Our products are certified by the Kiwi Kosher Licensing Authority New Zealand. After being inspected by the Orthodox Rabbinate of New Zealand and the entire plant is under Rabbinical supervision. Our honey products are both Kosher and Parve, including for Passover, in both liquid and creamed forms.
Glyphosate Residue Free
Our honey has been certified as Glyphosate Residue Free tested by an independent ISO 17025 accredited lab. Find out more about Glyphosate Residue Free certification here.
Phthalates Free
Phthalates are synthetic chemicals that are commonly used to manufacture plastic. There are no additives or phthalates present in our honey.
Our honey has not been adulterated in any way and has not been diluted with sugar or high fructose corn syrup. This adulteration is tested for by analysing C4 sugars.
Antibiotic Free
The use of any kind of antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol, to treat bees is heavily restricted in New Zealand, so there is no possibility of any traces being found in our honey.
Irradiation Free
Our honey is not subjected to irradiation. It does not contain irradiated ingredients or components.
Nanoparticle Free
Our honey is free from nanoparticles, and there are no nanoparticles used within our facilities.
Residual Solvent Free
No chemicals whatsoever are used as solvents at any point in the manufacture, formulation, or packaging of any of our honey products.
Child Labour
Midlands has a zero-tolerance policy for child labour. We uphold and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
Quality Assurance Programmes
We operate a robust quality assurance programme with vigilant compliance and certification systems supported by our in-house laboratory.
We undertake regular testing of our honey products to ensure consistent levels of quality. Our experienced in-house lab team can conduct a wide range of tests to meet quality standards and those of our domestic and export markets. In addition, independent IANZ-certified laboratories also conduct examinations to ensure our products comply with the most rigorous quality standards. Specifications can be further customised to meet your specific needs and requirements. Test results are available via certificates of analysis - these are then validated against both our own and customer specifications to ensure compliance with international standards in a wide range of markets.
Testing to International Standards
We don’t believe in the bare minimum; all of our honey is continuously tested to meet rigorous industry standards. That’s why all of our Quality Assurance Programmes meet world-class guidelines and international standards.
We are focused on a high-quality production process and premium assurance standards. Our purpose-built processing facility operates a HACCP-based Risk Management Programme. Our certified SQF food production facility is licensed and inspected by the Ministry of Primary Industry (MPI) on behalf of the New Zealand Government.
Quality Certifications
SQF Level 3 Certified
SQF Level 3 is a “Comprehensive Food Safety and Quality Management System” audited to international standards. Not only does this ensure fundamental food safety controls are in place and risk assessment and implementation of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP), but solidifies corrective action is taken that prevents poor quality or contamination. Being level 3 certificated focuses on the quality of our products as well as their safety. We consistently record high levels of compliance and were awarded 98% in 2021. Find out more about SQF certifications here.
GMP Certified
We are GMP certified, meaning we have good manufacturing practices (GMP), which have been independently verified. This certification ensures that the basic manufacturing practices and prerequisites necessary for the implementation of an effective Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) food safety program are being followed. Find out more about GMP Certification here.
RMP Registered
We are RMP certified, meaning we enact risk management programmes (RMP) to manage hazards and other risk factors associated with animal products to ensure the fitness of our honey for its intended purpose. This is based on the principles of HACCP and allows security in our production processes to deliver food safely. To find out more about RMP Registration here.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is an internationally recognised system used to identify and manage significant food safety hazards and to ensure the utmost food safety.
Sedex is one of the world’s leading ethical trade membership organisation, working to improve working conditions in global supply chains. Sedex ensures our business operates responsibly and sustainably, protecting workers and ethically sourcing honey.
Export Registrations
Our export registration allows for smoother transport to international markets. We have a dedicated and experienced in-house Export & Logistics team to make sure your products arrive when you need it, where you need it to be.
FDA & GACC Registration
We have market-specific registrations to ensure a smooth transition into global markets including FDA registration and GACC registration for the United States and China respectively.
SES Registration
Midlands Apiaries is part of the Secure Exports Scheme (SES), New Zealand’s Authorised Economic Operator programme, that meets the global supply chain security standards set by the World Customs Organization. This means we can minimise Customs delays at international borders and get priority in recovering from trade disruptions. It provides additional privileges such as a secure supply chain from the point of packing to the point of export, further advantages exporting to Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, The Republic of Korea, Singapore and the United State of America and minimal trade disruptions from changes in security levels. Find out more about SES here.
Unique Manuka Factor (UMF™) Certification
Midlands Apiaries is proud to offer UMF™ certified Mānuka honey awarded by the internationally-recognised Unique Mānuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA). As a honey producer who strictly abides by the UMF™ quality standards, we consistently deliver honey that meets and exceeds these very rigid demands.
Top Quality Auditing Results
We go through an extensive auditing process to ensure we deliver the best quality for you. Moreover, our world-class auditing results speak for themselves. We benchmark ourselves not only against other honey suppliers but all production operations.
While in-house tests are always necessary to ensure quality, external testing is essential to ensure the purity of the Mānuka honey. Specifically in New Zealand, tests carried out by independent IANZ-certified laboratories will provide Mānuka honey that complies with stringent government regulations.
To be noted for quality and market compliance is a massive benefit to your business as it will legitimise your brand both nationally and internationally. Every batch should meet exceptionally high standards and then should be independently verified by accredited laboratories and auditors.
Traceability & Authenticity
As part of our commitment to food safety, we ensure we have a clear line of traceability with all our products. We know where all our honey comes from and where it ends up. Midlands Apiaries believes that production processes and assurance standards are paramount to maintaining effective honey production and supply.
Our traceability processes ensure the authenticity of our raw materials so you can be assured the final product meets the highest possible standards. For more information on our extensive traceability and quality control measures, click on the button below.
Complete Traceability and Quality Control at Every Stage of the Supply Chain